La Orilla: Writing Workshop
Once a week we meet at our center in Viladomat (Viladomat 169) to give free rein to our imagination and find a space where we can let everything we have inside us flow. To attend you don’t need previous experience, just the desire and curiosity to enter the world of expression through writing.
What to bring? Your own notebook, we will provide the rest.
You can have a good coffee or tea while you write in a pleasant and quiet space.
You can sign up per class (25€) or per month (80€).
About Lucia Negretti
In charge of the sessions we have a professional in the world of art and comedy. Argentina with years in Barcelona is already known in the industry with several shows and dates in the medium and her own weekly writing workshop.
To participate in her workshops you must make a reservation in advance at: info@loft153.com
We are waiting for you!