Loft 153
stand up - Chris

Stand Up Workshop – Advanced Level

Weekly Stand Up Workshop!

Monologue classes for everyone! Now available in English

Chris Groves takes the reins of the workshops in English. We will share with them every Monday in our viladomat rooms.

The meetings are prepared for an advanced level. What does «advanced» mean? It means that you have had some previous contact with the stage or the world of acting. If not, don’t worry, the «initial level» will come. The teachers recommend not to skip any stage!

Vulnerability, search engines, working in public, digging, etc. These will be some of the topics to be covered.

If you are interested in Chris and Gabriel’s workshops, you can contact them and reserve your place here.

We wait for you!


Jun 12 2023


19:00 - 21:30


Loft Viladomat 169 - Loft 153 Coworking, Coffeeworking & Events
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