Jaida Irwin

SAE Barcelona Intern at Loft 153

Jaida, the new face of Loft with Jennifer Cressman, is attending school in Tampa Florida and is a dynamic and enthusiastic individual who embodies a love for both learning and adventure. As an American full-time student and a Marketing and Advertising intern for Loft, Jaida is currently seizing the opportunity to study abroad in Barcelona for six weeks, an experience that marks her first visit to Europe!
Jaida is pursuing a degree in Business Advertising at the University of South Florida. Her long-term career goal is to stay on the client side, where she can blend strategy with creativity. This study abroad program allows her to gain valuable experience interning with Loft while exploring the vibrant culture and history of Barcelona.
In her free time, Jaida loves to go to the beach, grab a coffee, hang out with her pets, exercise, play lacrosse, and enjoy lunch with friends. She is incredibly family-oriented, often spending quality time with her cousins and sisters. Her forward-thinking attitude ensures she is always ready to jump on a project, dedicating extra time to ensure it is completed properly and effectively.

Happy to have you girls, welcome to Loft, Jaida!
